
2023-03-23 11:04 阅读量:55314

近日,ESB英语演讲板比赛(English Speaking Board)在济南市安生学校举行。

Recently, the English ESB (English Speaking Board ) was successfully held in our school, and the JTHS students achieved good results.

15名安生高中学子参与本次比赛,均获得Good Pass及以上的好成绩,此外,2名学生以优异表现获得merit+的好成绩(merit+ 近乎最高等级满分的下一个等级)。

15 JTHS students took part in this competition and all of them were able to attain a Good Pass or above. Meanwhile, "Merit+" is the score given to a student just below full marks, and two of our students were impressive enough to attain this score.

What is ESB?



ESB是拥有超过70年演讲测评经验,在全世界提供高质量的语言表达测评服务。目前在英国、意大利、新加坡等有着广泛的影响力, 每年参与人数众多。ESB是集演讲、戏剧、表演为一体的能力等级认证。ESB认证体系是达标性认证,而非相对性评价,等级分为unsuccessful、pass、good pass、merit、merit+、distinction 六个等级。

ESB is a competency level certification with more than 70 years of history in speech evaluation. It provides high-quality language evaluation services around the world. At present, it has a wide influence in the UK, Italy, Singapore and other countries, with a large number of participants every year. ESB is a competency level certification integrating speech, drama and performance. The ESB certification system is a compliance certification, not a relative evaluation. The grades are divided into six grades: unsuccessful, pass, good pass, merit, merit plus, and differentiation.


As a partner school of the ESB English Speech Competition, our school has been actively encouraging students to participate in ESB. By participated the English Speaking Board, all the students have possessed the oracy and English language skills they need to achieve their aspirations to varying degrees.


Annie, the principal of Jinan Thomas High School, said that the main purpose for holding the ESB competition is to stretch the most able and support the least confident and realise the potential of all by closing the disadvantage gap.


Wonderful presentation


During the speech time all of our students performed very well.


They all had rehearsed their notes well in advance and were very comfortable delivering their speeches in front of the judge.


Following this they all had to participate in a question and answer session. Not only did the judge ask questions to the students, but the students asked each other questions as well!


Our students were determined to show the best of their ability.


Behind the scenes


During this competition, our high school teachers helped the students prepare for their speeches.


To begin with the teachers and students worked together to choose their own topics. After this, the students made their own ppts and scripts and the teachers helped them fine-tune the details. They’ve made discussions for many times.


The students spent their spare time reciting the articles, practising and criticizing with each other.


“All the guide teachers are from our school, they carefully listened to the students,understood their motivations and needs. Throughout the competition, the students also learned how to find out their weakness and the way to seeking professional help.” says Annie.


Interviews from participants



I have been preparing for this ESB competition for a long time. I have prepared three parts according to the requirements of the competition -- "Art Sharing I like", "poetry sharing" and "Film Clips Sharing".


For each part, I consulted a great deal of literature. I enjoyed the process very much, and I think I enriched my knowledge reserve while looking up materials. During the competition, I tried my best to show my speech content, and the teacher was very considerate and encouraged me, which effectively improved my public speaking ability.

Charlie, G10 AL Fabulinus


This will make it easier for you to connect with the audience and deliver the message effectively.Next, practice your speech multiple times in front of a mirror, your friends, or family members. This will help you to identify areas where you need to improve, such as the tone of your voice, body language, and timing.


On the day of the contest, try to stay calm and confident. “preparing for a speech contest can be challenging, but with the right mindset and preparation, it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling experience.”

Sally, G10 AL Fabulinus


“ I enjoy the process, because I can learn a lot of extra knowledge. It can also improve our speaking and writing skills. It is important to learn the script by heart, which will make us more calm in the competition. What's more, we practice more before the match, which will enhance our confidence.”


This ESB competition has been a real benefit to students because not only has it increase their confidence but they have also gained a lot of experience. Their public speaking skills have developed and they have a broader view towards the rules of international competitions.


We hope to include even more students next time!

[ 责任编辑:窦静 ]